Friday, March 31, 2006

only the beginning

Well it has finally happened "hell froze over" no not that just kidding. I made the trek last week and filed to run in congressional district 139.
I'm not a spit and polished politician, but I do have one item the other candidates may not have. What you may ask? I've never been a politicain. Some say you have to place experienced people in office in order to accomplish anything, but we've had experienced people in both state and federal government and all that has happened is the people have become COMPLIANT to the elected leaders. By my reading of the Constitution this isn't what the founding fathers had in mind when they formed this republic. YES a representative republic not a Democracy The citizenry was supposed to be able to communicate to the politicians and they in turn were supposed to be able to offer solutions to the peoples problems or concerns.
I've contacted my elected representative many times to express my desire for the "FairTax Act"(H.R. 25) to be implemented on the federal level so our nation can once again prosper and businesses will bring back the jobs to the United States. I don't believe my representative has even once heard my voice since he himself doesn't answer any calls.
Ever get the inclination you're being ignored? Welcome to the politics of the status quo. As a representative for the 139th I will answer the concerns of the constituents personally. That is a pledge to the people that elect me.

only YOU can change the direction of politics


tom martz


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